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[GWICC2011]ESC 与中国心血管疾病预防方面的合作——ESC主席Michel Komajda 访谈

作者:Michel.Komajda 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/10/20 11:10:39    加入收藏
 关键字:ESC 心力衰竭 心衰指南 

  International Circulation: Has there been anything specific so far that you have noticed in terms of problems China is facing and/or the ways we are addressing problems that has caught your attention or is particularly interesting or potentially useful to ESC?
  《国际循环》: 迄今为止,在中国正面临着的问题方面,您是否已经注意到什么具体的问题,和(或)我们解决问题的方法上是否有什么已经引起了您的关注?或者有什么ESC特别感兴趣的或可能有用的?
  Prof Komajda: During the opening ceremony, Professor Hu mentioned specifically the rise in body mass index of Chinese patients which is a common problem we are facing. Also the problem of smoking. I was very much interested in viewing his slides showing that the age at which young people start smoking has declined by three years, exactly as we have observed in Europe. This is appalling for the future and he showed data suggesting that Chinese youth begin smoking at thirteen years of age. There is obviously a societal problem everywhere and I think that teenagers believe that smoking is an indication of freedom. We need to convince them through education programs early on at school and at college that this is not the case. This is a particular issue for young females as we know that the combination of smoking and the contraceptive pill may induce myocardial infarction in that population which would otherwise be unusual. So we can only gain by seeing how we can create education programs on both sides in order to convince the younger generation at school as students how they can adopt good lifestyle measures at an early age in order to prevent cardiovascular disease.

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