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[GWICC2011]WHF 主席Sidney C. Smith教授新闻发布会发言

作者:SidneyC.Smith 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/12/6 15:31:32    加入收藏
 关键字:非传染性疾病 心血管疾病 高血压 Sidney C. Smith 

  WHF Chairman Sidney Smith:  This is a very special meeting for us because the Great Wall Congress has such a good tradition and this year many of the leading cardiologists from all over the world will come together at the Great Wall Meeting to share ideas.  My areas of interest at this meeting will be to talk about the recent United Nations actions that occurred.  We recently had a major resolution at the UN on non-communicable diseases.  There are four major non-communicable diseases:  heart disease and stroke, diabetes, cancer, and lung disease.  Around the world these four entities account for almost two thirds of all deaths from non-communicable diseases and, inspite of this, receive very little funding and recognition.  This year the UN had a meeting with ministers of health from countries all around the world coming together to develop a resolution, a plan over the next 10 years to focus on non-communicable diseases, heart disease and stroke being the major one of the four.
  Here in China there are almost 180 million people with high blood pressure.  There are over 300 million people who smoke in China, accounting for nearly 1/3 of the world’s smokers.  These are two of the major causes or risk factors of heart disease and stroke that exist all over the world.  If we share ideas we can prevent a lot of the problems that are killing people worldwide.  In addition to tobacco smoking and hypertension, we are going to be looking at diet.  Many of the types of restaurants that exist in the United States and other western countries, with their associated high calorie food, are also now found in China, KFC and McDonalds to name a few. It is the consumption of this type of food that leads to heart disease here in China just as it does in the United States.  We need to do something to improve the food, increasing fruits and vegetables, and increase exercise.  We will talk about some things they are doing in New York City to promote and increase the use of bicycles to encourage more people to use this mode of transportation to commute to work.  They are also doing things to promote a healthier environment for us to live in.  Part of what I will be interested in at these meetings is to share ideas with people like Professor Hu Dayi, Michel Komajda and Gordon Tomasseli to talk about what we can do together to reduce cardiovascular disease mortality, which is a major killer all over the world.  Thank you very much for your attention and I have been very honored to be here.
  WHF 主席Sidney Smith教授:这是一个非常特别的会议,因为长城会历来有很好的传统并且在今年的长城会上来自于世界各地的很多杰出的心内科医生都共聚一堂来分享心血管领域的经验。在本届大会上我感兴趣的主要方面将是谈一谈联合国最近开始实施的行动。我们最近在联合国通过了一个关于非传染性疾病的重大方案。包括四种主要的非传染性疾病:心脏疾病和中风、糖尿病、癌症以及肺部疾病。在全世界这四种疾病的死亡率占了非传染性疾病总死亡率的三分之二,并且除此之外,目前对这些疾病的资金投入和认识都存在不足。今年联合国召开了一次会议,全世界各国的卫生部长都参会共同制定了一个解决方案,这个方案将在未来10年内关注非传染性疾病,其中心脏疾病和中风是最主要的方面。
  现在中国有大约1亿8千万高血压患者。在中国吸烟的人超过3亿,几乎占到了全世界吸烟人群的1/3。高血压和吸烟在全世界各地都是心脏病和中风的两个主要的病因或危险因素。我们在这里分享的经验能预防在世界范围内导致人们死亡的很多问题。除了吸烟和高血压之外,我们还应该探索饮食的影响。美国和西方国家的很多提供高卡路里饮食的餐馆现在已经都出现在了中国,仅举几个例子来说,肯德基和麦当劳就在其中。对这类饮食的消费在中国将会像在美国一样导致心脏疾病的发生。我们必须在改善饮食上做出一些行动,增加水果和蔬菜,同时增加运动量。我们将会谈到实施者们在纽约做的一些事情,比如促进和增加自行车的使用以使更多的人利用这种交通工具上下班。他们还做了一些事情使我们居住的环境更健康。在本届大会上我将很高兴和胡大一、Michel Komajda和Gordon Tomasseli教授一起讨论我们在降低世界头号杀手心血管疾病的死亡率方面能够做的一些事情。非常感谢大家出席本次大会,同时我也非常荣幸能来到这里和大家分享我的观点。


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