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[GWICC2011]ESC非ST段抬高型心肌梗死(Non-STEMI)指南要点——Thierry C. Gillebert访谈

作者:Thierry.C.Gillebert 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/10/31 13:49:03    加入收藏
 关键字:NSTEMI患者 CABG术 ESC指南 

  Ghent大学心内科 Thierry C. Gillebert

  International Circulation: Your presentation at GWICC2011 is entitled “2011 ESC Non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction. Key points.” We know that patients with prior CABG surgery presenting with non-STEMI are thought to be at high risk. What are the new guideline recommendations for patients with prior CABG surgery presenting with STEMI?
  《国际循环》:您在第二十二届长城国际心脏病学会议(GWICC2011)做了题为“2011 欧洲心脏病学会(ESC)非ST段抬高型心肌梗死(Non-STEMI)指南要点”的报告,我们知道冠状动脉搭桥(CABG)术后的NSTEMI患者属高危人群,那么对于此类患者指南有什么新建议呢?
  Prof Gillebert: There is a list of what is high risk non-STEMI. If you have a high risk non-STEMI such as after CABG (but there are eight or nine other conditions where you have high risk), the guidelines suggest early angiography and early intervention. Patients with previous CABG are better off if they are treated with coronary angioplasty early in the setting of the hospitalization. ‘Early’ means within 24 hours of the start of the infarction.
  International Circulation: Looking at what is new in the ESC Guidelines, there are three new diagnostic guidelines: high-sensitivity troponin has been introduced; echocardiography as standard; and that consideration be given to coronary CT angiography, if available, as an alternative to invasive angiography.
  (interview interrupted)
  Prof Gillebert: The availability of high-sensitivity troponin is something that has occurred in the last few months. High-sensitivity troponin gives you a very precise level of troponin and this level of troponin occurs in many chronic conditions such as chronic renal disease for instance. Superimposed on that, you have the acute condition. How do we use this high-sensitivity troponin? You have an initial value and unless this value is quite elevated, you await a second value which is taken three hours after the first. If you have a rise or fall in troponin, then you have an acute coronary syndrome with enzymes so you have non-ST elevation myocardial infarction. You can then move forward on this basis.
  International Circulation: So this is going to speed up the diagnosis of acute coronary syndromes?
  Prof Gillebert: It will achieve two things: firstly that the diagnosis is more reliable than with the classical troponins; and secondly that it does speed up the process of diagnosis. The second troponin level is taken after three hours instead of six hours so the risk stratification has improved a lot with these high-sensitivity troponins.

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